United States Navy: Quo Vadis?

Dr. James (Jim) Boutilier – 10 april 24

This presentation was given by Dr. Jim Boutilier at the Royal United Services Institute of Vancouver Island luncheon on April 10, 2024. Dr. Boutilier covers the current challenges to the United States Navy in the Indo-Pacific.

Dr. James (Jim) BoutilierSee also an article written by Dr. Boutilier and published in Open Canada (Canadian International Council) entitled “The United States Navy: Quo Vadis?” and subtitled Decisions in Washington always have important consequences for Canada

Some related videos:

At-sea missile replenishment challenge USN in the Pacific: The USN has a problem and solutions

US fleet production – Can the USN rebuild its fleet to meet the Chinese challenge

USN Proceedings podcast – Understanding the Chinese Navy

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