Fighting BC Wildfires – John Flanagan

John Flanagan is a retired senior fire specialist with 40+ years in the BC Forest Service. John has worked in emergency management response operations during some of the most severe wildfires in BC’s history. His experience includes prevention, preparedness, suppression, R&D programs and emergency management command and control operations. John has worked with Canadian Aerospace companies and the Canadian and European Space Agencies in the development of satellite-based emergency communication systems for floods, wildfire and medical emergencies. He has also helped to develop provincial, national and international aid agreements for the sharing of emergency resources in the fighting of wildfires.

The summer of 2021 was one of the most severe wildfire seasons in BC history and without a doubt one of the most memorable, with the consumption and destruction of the town of Lytton, BC. Every indication is that future wildfire seasons could be as bad, or even worse. The stress on CF resources to support fighting wildfires is increasing and may not be sustainable. John covers the history of BC wildfires, current management measures, the support and involvement of CF resources and to wrap up, John looks at future trends.

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