Military Oral History (MOH) Endowment Established at the University of Victoria

Dean John Archibald and RUSI-VI President Ed Fitch

Dean John Archibald and RUSI-VI President Ed Fitch

At the AGM on 11 March 2016, the RUSI-VI membership approved a donation of $25,000 from the Reserve Fund to establish the “RUSI-VI Military Oral History Endowment” at the University of Victoria (UVic). With this fund, RUSI-VI has created an important and meaningful legacy. Through the teaching of Military Oral History courses at UVic Department of History, we are able to assist in educating and enriching the current knowledge of students on part of our living history, and to ensure that the voices of our veterans and their families will be heard, recorded and maintained within the Special Collections of the University.


The Military Oral History (MOH) Endowment was created to ensure that the MOH Program would continue into the future, especially to ensure that the Special Collection, MOH continues to create and maintain Oral Histories of Canadian veterans of all categories. Individuals or organizations who wish to donate can do so in several ways:

  • Through a cash gift on line to the RUSI-VI Military Oral History Endowment as follows:

Enter this hyperlink: In the “Designation” field, click on the down-arrow, select “Other” then in the “Other” field that appears, enter RUSI-VI Military Oral History Endowment.  Then fill in the “Billing Information” that includes an email address and the “Payment Information” to pay by credit card. You will receive an acknowledgement of the donation and a tax credit will be mailed to the address that you provided in the Billing Information.

  • Or by cheque payable to the “University of Victoria” which may be identified as for the RUSI-VI Military Oral History Endowment. The mailing address is:
    University of Victoria Development Office
    PO Box 1700 Stn CSC
    Victoria, BC  V8W 2Y2 

Other donation methods include:

  • Through a gift of publicly-traded securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds) to the university. This is a tax-advantageous way to donate to a registered charity, such as the university, as donors are not taxed on accrued capital gains. The memo line for donation should read: RUSI-VI Military Oral History Endowment;
  • Individuals might also consider a bequest in their Will. Future planned gifts will help the endowment grow and assure its viability to support a course biannually. Information on the specific wording required is available on the University of Victoria website (Follow the wording for “Restricted Bequests” and cite the RUSI – VI Military Oral History Endowment);

Donations to the Endowment are essential. The contact for information on donations is shown below and reference must be made to the “Military Oral History Program.”

For further information, please contact:

University of Victoria 
PO Box 1700 STN CSC 
Victoria BC  V8W 2Y2

Phone 250-721-7624

RUSI-VI Military Oral History Endowment Report

Prepared for: Lieut. Colonel (Ret) Clive Caton, Royal United Services Institute of Vancouver Island

This Endowment Report is for the fiscal period opening April 1 2016. The next report will be published upon availability.

Financial Summary:

Market Value1:
Opening market value as of April 1, 2016 $39,773
Investment income earned $4,827
Donations to principal $1,350
Disbursements to beneficiaries $-4,566
Closing market value as of March 31, 2017 $41,384
Disbursement Allocation2:
Carry-over from previous years (a) $3,738
Spending distribution for 2017/18 (b) $1,525
Total potential disbursement from the endowment in 2017/18 $5,263

Glossary of Terms

1.    Market Value is the sum of the principal and expendable accounts.
2.    Disbursement Allocation is the total amount that may be disbursed from the endowment. It consists of the following:
    (a) Carry-over of unspent disbursement allocations from previous years.
    (b) The annual spending distribution to beneficiaries.